China calls for ‘ceasefire through dialogue’ after Vladimir Putin’s speech

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1:32 p.m. : The partial mobilization of Russian reservists demonstrates President Vladimir Putin’s desire to continue in “climbing” of the war against Ukraine and is “a new sign of his distress”says the spokesman for the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell.

12:05 : It’s noon, so it’s time to think about lunch and take stock of the news:

Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization of Russian citizens from today, which will concern “the citizens who are on the reserve lists and especially those who have a military specialty”. Russia plans to mobilize 300,000 men. Follow our live.

From 12:15 p.m., economist Eric Heyer, director of the analysis and forecasting department of the OFCE, will be the guest of the franceinfo live. When will we get out of this inflationary peak? Which sectors are the most affected? He will answer all your questions.

Elisabeth Borne talks with the presidents of parliamentary groups, to try to demine a session that promises to be tough, the government only having a relative majority in the Assembly.

Julien Bayou “remains leader of the party, he remains co-chairman of the group” at the Assembly “but its functions are bracketed”, said Sandra Regol, vice-president of the environmental deputies, this morning on franceinfo. The national secretary of the Greens is accused by his ex-girlfriend of “moral violence”.

11:57 : “A general mobilization would have been suicidal, but this partial mobilization is a test. The greatest test actually possible of the solidity of Russian power.”

While Vladimir Putin has just announced the “partial mobilization” in Russia, Anna Colin-Lebedev, a specialist in post-Soviet societies, estimated on franceinfo that the“we are indeed in something very new”.

11:39 : The partial mobilization announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin will lead to “a huge tragedy”denounces the incarcerated opponent Alexei Navalny. “All of this will lead to a huge tragedy and a huge amount of death”he lambasted, according to a video shared by Russian media.

11:32 am : Vizekanzler #Habeck: “Mit der Teilmobilmachung betreibt ?? die weitere Eskalation dieses völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskriegs. Ein schlimmer & falscher Schritt, den wir scharf verurteilen. Für mich und die BReg ist klar, dass wir die Ukraine weiter vollumfänglich unterstützen.”

11:31 a.m. : The German vice-chancellor, Robert Habeck, has just lambasted on Twitter the partial mobilization of Russians of fighting age announced by President Vladimir Putin. “Lrussia practices a policy of escalating this war of aggression in violation of international law. This is a serious and wrong step that we strongly condemn.”he reacted.

10:25 a.m. : Moscow’s announcement of partial mobilization in Russia and “referendums” annexation of territories constitutes an “admission of failure” of the invasion of Ukraine, believes British Defense Minister Ben Wallace. “No threat or propaganda can hide the fact that Ukraine is winning this war…and Russia is becoming a global pariah”he added in a press release.

09:29 : Sham referenda and mobilization are signs of weakness, of Russian failure. The United States will never recognize Russia’s claim to purportedly annexed Ukrainian territory, and we will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

09:28 : Moscow’s announcement of partial mobilization in Russia and referendums on the annexation of Ukrainian territories is a “sign of weakness, of Russian failure“, estimated the American ambassador in Ukraine Bridget Brink. On Twitter, she assured that her country would continue to “support Ukraine as long as necessary”.

09:24 : The Russian political scientist Ekaterina Schulmann, who now lives in Europe, is doubtful about the term “partial mobilization”. The decree, in fact, does not introduce any notion of territory or category. “Anyone can be solicited, with the exception of employees of the military-industrial complex”, she wrote on Telegram. Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu mention reservists and certain specialties, but these restrictions do not appear in the text.

09:07 : It’s a little after 9 a.m., so it’s time for a new update on the news:

Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization of Russian citizens from today, which will concern “the citizens who are on the reserve lists and especially those who have a military specialty”. Russia plans to mobilize 300,000 men. Follow our live.

In front of “the threat” represented by him by “the Nazi regime in kyiv (…) we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people”also warned Vladimir Putin, alluding to nuclear weapons.

Julien Bayou “remains leader of the party, he remains co-chairman of the group” at the Assembly “but its functions are bracketed”, said Sandra Regol, vice-president of the environmental deputies, this morning on franceinfo. The national secretary of the Greens is accused by his ex-girlfriend of “moral violence”.

Protests have spread across Iran for the fifth consecutive night over the death of a young woman arrested by vice police tasked with enforcing a strict dress code for women.

08:56 : A total of 300,000 reservists will be called up as part of the partial mobilization decreed in Russia, announces Sergei Shoigu, the mMinister of Russian Defense.

08:53 : The National Rally condemns Russia. “Russia is seeking to use the popular tool of expression par excellence, which is the referendum, in territories where Russia has committed unacceptable attacks, to legitimize the violation of Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty”reacted Jordan Bardella on franceinfo this morning.

twenty five past eight : The Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom this morning accused Russia of having again bombed the site of the Zaporijjia power station, the largest in Europe. “Russian terrorists again bombed the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant during the night”Energoatom said on Telegram.

08:21 : In detail, the mobilization will concern citizens “who are on the reserve lists, and especially those who have a military specialtyaccording to Vladimir Putin. “The call for recruitment will be followed by mandatory training”, added the Russian president, who warned that Russia would use “all weapons [sa] provision if the territorial integrity of Russia is threatened, before adding that “those who blackmail with nuclear weapons must know that this blackmail can turn against them.”

08:15 : The Russian President, who is speaking at the moment, said that “The West is trying to destroy Russia” and said he supported the referendums held in the territories occupied by Russia in Ukraine, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia.

08:15 : Vladimir Putin announces a partial mobilization of Russian citizens from today, which will concern “the citizens who are on the reserve lists and especially those who have a military specialty”.

07:51 : It’s 6 a.m., so it’s time to take stock of the day’s news:

In a speech to the UN General Assembly in New York, Emmanuel Macron strongly criticized the Russian invasion of Ukraine, castigating “a return to the age of imperialism and colonies”. A speech by Vladimir Putin on Russian television is expected, but it is not known when.

Faced with the emergency, world leaders on Tuesday called for increased efforts to tackle growing food insecurity around the world. In a joint statement issued after a ministerial meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, the United States, the European Union, the African Union, Colombia, Nigeria and Indonesia affirm their “commitment to act with urgency, scale and concert”.

Fiona became the first major Category 3 hurricane of the season. It is approaching the Turks and Caicos Islands this morning after causing floods and power cuts and causing the death of at least five people.

Deputy Julien Bayou withdraws from the co-presidency of the environmental group in the Assembly, after a testimony from his ex-companion in the cell against the violence of EELV, the content of which we do not know, learned franceinfo.

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