China and the United States have “deepened” their relationship, assures Janet Yellen

(Washington) The United States and China have “deepened” their ties over the past four years, said Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, on Thursday, a relationship that is a strong issue in the 5 election. november.

“I think we have deepened our ties with China,” declared the American Secretary of the Treasury, interviewed on the CNBC channel.

Former President Donald Trump, who is hoping to be re-elected, had, during his first term, started a trade war against China and imposed tariffs.

He promised to increase them further if he returns to the White House and explains that he wants to use the revenue from these taxes to finance certain measures. Economists, however, warn of the inflationary potential of such an increase in customs duties.

Joe Biden’s administration maintained these customs duties and imposed new ones. But according to Janet Yellen, despite this, the relationship between the two countries “has become closer”.

“We found ways to discuss constructively and address our differences,” she stressed.

“I don’t want to say that there will be a miracle in which we see China quickly address all of our concerns, but we have had productive discussions about our differences to understand each other better, and we are cooperating in areas where the world needs us to work together,” including “financial stability,” the secretary said.

Democratic candidate for the election Kamala Harris, for her part, said on Wednesday that China had “constantly played” with Donald Trump on a technological and commercial level.

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