China | A national tribute and three minutes of silence for former President Jiang Zemin

(Beijing) Sirens sounded in China on Tuesday in tribute to ex-president Jiang Zemin, who died at the age of 96, and three minutes of silence were observed, a bid for national unity after a wave of demonstrations against health restrictions.

The commemorative ceremony, broadcast live on television, then began at the People’s Palace in Beijing, with a speech by President Xi Jinping.

While the authorities were confronted at the end of November with a protest movement on an unprecedented scale since the pro-democracy mobilizations of Tiananmen in 1989, the figure of Jiang Zemin seems to unify: architect of the arrival of China on the world scene, he is also the one who was able to restore calm in Shanghai in 1989.

He took power following this episode, accompanying the transformation of the most populous nation on the planet into a world power, which he led until 2003.

He died Nov. 30 in Shanghai from leukemia and multiple organ failure, according to state media.

His body was cremated in Beijing on Monday, in a ceremony attended by President Xi Jinping and other senior leaders, according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency.

“Regions and departments must ensure that the majority of party members and cadres, as well as the population, listen to and watch” the commemorative ceremony on Tuesday, state television CCTV said.

All day, flags are at half mast and recreational activities suspended, as well as some online games like the popular League of Legendswhich announced a day off.

“Outstanding Leader”

The Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges suspended their listings for these three minutes, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange continuing to trade, suspending their display on screens for three minutes.

Popular with younger generations of Chinese, Jiang Zemin divides the population as to his heritage.


Former President Jiang Zemin in 2012

He is accused of failing to address the problems generated by China’s economic leap, such as corruption, inequality, environmental impact and layoffs due to state industry reforms.

Under his mandate, the repression of political activists has also become more ferocious.

State media mostly hail him as a great communist revolutionary.

“Jiang Zemin was an outstanding leader enjoying great prestige,” writes New China in her obituary, entitled “The Great and Glorious Life of Jiang Zemin”.

“During his more than 70-year revolutionary career, he has remained steadfast and unwavering in communist ideals, staunchly loyal to the Party and the people, and resolutely committed to the cause of the Party and the people,” added she.

“Faithful of the Toad”

Last Thursday, his remains were flown to Beijing. Xi Jinping was present when he arrived, according to footage from state broadcaster CCTV.

With black armbands and a white flower pinned to their jackets, the Chinese president and other senior leaders bowed in coordination as Mr. Jiang’s remains were descended from the plane, his thick-rimmed glasses visible through his glass coffin.

Ever since he was retired, Jiang Zemin was looked upon with fondness by his Chinese fans of generations Y (born between the early 1980s and late 1990s) and Z (late 1990s to 2010), who s called themselves the “toad faithful”, fascinated by his countenance reminiscent of the batrachian and his eccentric mannerisms.

Within an hour on Wednesday, more than half a million people had commented on a CCTV post announcing the death on the Weibo platform (the Chinese equivalent of Twitter).

Many of them referred to him as “Grandpa Jiang.”

Since the announcement of his death, state media and public companies have switched their websites to black and white, as have many mobile applications such as Alipay, Taobao and McDonald’s.

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