Chimène Badi sings Edith Piaf, her confessions about the artist who died 60 years ago

Tackling Edith Piaf is not given to everyone. But Chimène Badi wanted to take up the challenge and dedicate a tribute album to the Kid who left us on October 10, 1963. On January 20, 2023, the album Chimene sings Piaf saw the light of day and received a warm welcome from the public. Something to reassure the 40-year-old artist who has worshiped Edith Piaf since her childhood.

Since he was 4 years old to be precise, as confided by the interpreter ofBetween us to our colleagues from Women’s Journal Friday, January 27, 2023. However, listening to Édith Piaf at this age is not always easy and Chimène Badi admits it: she did not understand the meaning of the singer’s texts. More specifically the piece My Godthe first title listened to by the woman who does not wish to have children at the moment. “I actually didn’t understand what the text really meant because I was too young”she admitted before however ensuring: “but I was truly moved. Beyond her voice, Edith Piaf inspired me and took me with her in her songs and in her story”. The singer admits having “grew up with her” and was convinced “that one day” she “would honor him”.

Chimène Badi inspired by the “character” of Edith Piaf

If Marion Cotillard interpreted The kid in the cinema, Chimène Badi has chosen to pay homage to him in song. She has always listened to the artist who died in 1963 and was also very much inspired by his life to write his new album. Especially since the one who lives on a small cloud with her companion Julien, “find” in the “dramas” that Edith Piaf knew.

“She was a woman with a lot of character. I’ve seen her in photos surrounded by men and you can feel that she’s the one leading the way”she explains admiringly before adding: “Even though she had a lot of drama in her life, it never stopped her from being where she wanted to be.” “I also find myself in her generosity and in the fact of sharing with others and not keeping everything for her”she continues, taking the opportunity to once again discuss her difficult times in the past.

See also: Chimène Badi gives herself up with an open heart


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