Chimène Badi: “8 horrible days” because of a man, she settles her accounts

We had forgotten it a little in recent months, but the Covid-19 is indeed still present. Much to everyone’s chagrin: Alicia from Married at first sight but also of Chimene Badi. The 39-year-old artist has a lot on his heart. Diagnosed positive, the last days have not been without symptoms for her, quite the contrary. This is also the reason why she stayed away from social networks to rest as much as possible. This Wednesday, October 12, she made her comeback on Instagram. And the least we can say is that she has regained her strength and she is even ready to fight.

During her period of illness, Chimène Badi drooled, according to the story she describes in her story (see slideshow): “After 8 horrible days, I am coming to my senses and I will finally be able to get back to a normal life even if I feel very tired!! I would like to put that there! I don’t want to spread out, just write what’s on my mind. ” Angry to have suffered so much during the Covid-19, Chimène Badi took the opportunity to drop a bomb and made it clear that a man had given him the virus in good conscience without worrying about the consequences of his gesture.

If she kept the identity of her executioner to herself, Chimène Badi told her her four truths in front of all her subscribers without embarrassment: “You sir, present at an event whose name I will not mention, where I was invited for a performance, came knowing that you were positive for Covid. By what right ????? Because of you I had to cancel important moments for my career and postpone shows.”

Beyond this setback which made her miss great opportunities, Chimène Badi recalled that she had really had a fairly advanced version of the disease: “The worst is the state I was in. I’ve been very sick, every day a little more, we’re not kidding with this Covid shit ok ???!!! When you know you have the Covid, WE STAY AT HOME!!!“A nice pull of suspenders which should serve as a lesson.

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