Chile | 14 Venezuelan migrants die in slum fire

(Santiago de Chile) Fourteen Venezuelan migrants, including several children, died Monday in a violent fire which broke out in a slum in Coronel, in southern Chile, the town hall announced.

“We regret to announce the death of 14 residents of our town. These are three families, eight minors, six adults, who died due to this fire which destroyed their homes,” Javier Valencia, deputy mayor of Coronel, a town located 530 km to the south, told the press. of Santiago.

“These are Venezuelan families” living in extreme precariousness in two overcrowded accommodations, he added. It was “very difficult for the emergency services to get to them in good conditions to be able to help them,” explained Mr. Valencia.

The exact causes of the incident remain to be determined, but according to the first elements of the investigation, the fire started from a stove made by the victims to protect themselves from the cold.

Since the serious economic and political crisis that erupted in Venezuela in 2017, the number of migrants from that country has increased significantly in Chile.

Thousands of them arrived on foot via Bolivia or Peru, through clandestine crossing points, and the movement grew during the COVID-19 pandemic. These migrants often crowd into shanty towns built on unbuildable land, where fires and accidents occur regularly.

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