Children’s Voice Month in Vesoul, with Charlotte Nessi

The 13ᵉ edition of the Children’s Voice Month / Stage Space in Vesoul involves more than 1,000 children and teenagers involved, 60 artists involved and 800 hours of artistic practice from September 2021 to May 2022.

What is Children’s Voice Month?

The interest of the project is simple: to encourage children to develop their vocal organ, while collaborating with artists from the region. After several months of training and rehearsals, the children will be on stage during shows from May 2 to 31 alongside the artists for promising performances!

“A project that unites and trains children”

The vocal training of these children is done within the framework of school projects, but not only. An alchemy between amateurs and professionals that is very formative for them and gives them a taste for and access to culture.

The voice: “the cheapest and most accessible art for everyone”

Born from the head of Charlotte Nessi, this event puts on the front of the stage (and it is the case to say it) the voice. “We wanted an attractive and playful side and combining voice, dance and theater has something wonderful in the development of children”, explains Charlotte Nessi, director of the Edwige-Feuillère theater.

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