Children’s questions and ministerial answers on distance school

Some children enjoy being able to hang out in bed longer, only half-dress, and having time to play between lessons. Others dream only of going back to school and being surrounded by their friends again. The distance school is shaking up the lives of students, whether they are in preschool, elementary or secondary. The duty gave them the floor this week to voice their concerns. Education Minister Jean-François Roberge agreed to answer their questions. Interview by Magdaline Boutros.

This is the third year that we have home school periods: will it be the same every year until the end of my schooling?

Édouard, 10 years old

We all hope not! We know that it is much more interesting to be at school, to learn, to see your teacher and friends … But when the virus becomes too dangerous and spreads too much, we have to limit our contacts as much as possible and that is why you are being asked to do distance schooling. Hopefully the virus will be under control soon.

Why do you say it’s not good for us to spend our day on a screen on vacation, and you don’t mind when it’s for home school?

Achille, 10 years old

Going to school is super important and at the moment the virus is preventing us from allowing you to go to class. We are therefore obliged to use computers! But even when doing distance schooling, it is important not to spend your day in front of the screens. Take advantage of your breaks and holidays: get moving, go outside, draw, read a book!

If we continue school at home for several weeks, could we have fewer lessons? [au secondaire] ? It’s really hard to stay focused all day.

Mathilde, 12 years old

We know that it is difficult to spend several hours in front of the screens and to keep your concentration. On the other hand, even at home, it is important to see all the learning that is provided for in the study programs. These will be essential for the rest of your school career and for your adult life! If we follow all the sanitary rules and continue to protect ourselves, the virus will be less present and everyone will be able to return to school.

My eyes hurt and my head hurts when I take classes all day on my computer. What can I do to make myself feel better?

Colin, 10 years old

After having worked well in front of the computer, it is important to take breaks, to move around and to rest! Try to do something other than being in front of a screen when you have finished class, pick up a book, draw, go play outside: it will do you good!

I miss my teacher and my friends a lot. I find it difficult to stay at home …

Alice, 6 years old

You’re not the only one ! We all miss seeing our family, friends and colleagues. But the virus makes too many people sick, which is why it is important to limit our contacts, to get vaccinated and to respect health rules. If we all do the right thing, the virus will be less present and we can finally all see each other again. I’m also excited !

Online school, I like it less. If we can’t go back to class, could we do otherwise? In a bubble, in the park, in the yard … Or each one in turn at school, with a mask, or two or three if necessary.

Renaud, 10 years old

At the moment, so many people are sick that it is important to see each other as little as possible and to limit our contacts so as not to spread the virus. On the other hand, the good weather will return and we will be able to go back to school and see our friends!

Why I only have one hour of class a day [en 1ère année] ? I wish I had more classes and I also wish I could have dinner and have my snack online with my friends so I can talk to them …

Raphaël, 6 years old

It would be possible to schedule an online meeting with your friends! You could ask your parents to try to plan something. And for the lessons, don’t forget that you can continue to learn all day long. Do you have any books at home that could help you practice reading and learning things? You could talk about what you learned while dining with your friends!

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