For little ones: funny choices
“When the others have their backs turned… do you do acrobatics on your parents’ bed or do you leave them a charming note? » Each page of this very original album invites the young reader to make a choice. Faced with a similar situation, would he listen to his wise side or his teasing side? A fun book to read as a family, since the opinions of each member differ. A great way to learn more about your child’s preferences and temperament.
Little stupid things – And you, do you prefer good moves or bad moves? Text by Andrée Poulin, illustrations by Josée Masse. Editions Auzou Quebec. From 3 years old.

Little stupid things – And you, do you prefer good moves or bad moves?
Editions Auzou Quebec
From 3 years old
Album for primary school children: a forest on wheels

Extract of Lily’s tree. Text and illustrations by Marie-Louise Gay.
Author Marie-Louise Gay was inspired by Dutch landscape artists who designed a moving forest to create Lily’s charming story. For her birthday, the little girl receives… a tree. The balcony of her apartment being “barely bigger than a shoebox”, she places her present in a small cart and lugs it around the gray city. The effect of this touch of greenery on residents is so beneficial that many imitate it. As Earth Day approaches, this album gives hope that every gesture for the environment can snowball.
Lily’s tree. Text and illustrations by Marie-Louise Gay. Dominique and company editions. From 4 years old.

Lily’s tree
Dominique and company editions
From 4 years old
Novel for primary school children: for the love of sport

Extract of Strong like Naïla. Text by Nancy B.-Pilon, illustrations by Marish Papaya.
Naïla is feverish. She will soon join a new gymnastics club. If she is impatient to start practicing her rounds and her cops-flacs again, she fears one thing: “the eyes of others on [s]we have a body that takes up a lot of space.” Through the character of Naïla, we see the impact that the prejudices that we sometimes hold without even realizing it can have. Nancy B.-Pilon skillfully manages to talk about body diversity without falling into the trap of adopting a moralizing tone. All while promoting a love of sport.
Strong like Naïla. Text by Nancy B.-Pilon, illustrations by Marish Papaya. Editions Quebec America. From 7 years old.

Strong like Naïla
Editions Quebec America
From 7 years old
For teenagers: investigator in the making

Extract of Guilty – The Charlène Pettigrew affairby Carine Paquin
Charlène Pettigrew was violently attacked in a park. Who attacked this young content creator known for her videos denouncing prejudice against trans people? What motive is behind this crime? In this second novel of the new collection Guilty, Sergeant Serg Barkley delves into his memories to take the reader through all the stages of his investigation: the call to 911, the victim’s statement, the meetings with the witnesses… Can you identify the culprit? A collection to discover for all teenagers who love detective series.
Guilty – The Charlène Pettigrew affair, by Carine Paquin. Éditions Les malins. From 12 years old.

Guilty – The Charlène Pettigrew affair
Éditions Les malins
From 12 years old
Comic strip: joining the clan

Extract of Well the championvolume 1 – The orangutan clan. Text and illustrations by Hugo G. L’Éclair.
After drifting on an iceberg, a polar bear named Ben finds himself on the island of Sumatra. Stuck in this tropical place, he can’t help but fraternize with its inhabitants. Thanks to the members of the orangutan clan, the polar bear will learn different self-defense techniques that will be very useful to help his new friends. A comic strip brimming with originality in which the characters break the fourth wall, to the great delight of the reader.
Well the championvolume 1 – The orangutan clan. Text and illustrations by Hugo G. L’Éclair. Editions Michel Quitin. From 8 years old.

Well the championvolume 1 – The orangutan clan
Éditions Michel Quitin
From 8 years old
Essay: The Two Sides of Social Media

Extract of Text, publish, scrollby Emmanuelle Parent
The author Emmanuelle Parent admits this from the first pages of Text, publish, scroll : she has a love-hate relationship with social media. And she is not the only one, as she demonstrates through the numerous testimonies from adolescents that she has collected. What are the good and bad sides of social media? The communications doctor, co-founder of CIEL, an organization promoting digital well-being, covers the issue while proposing good practices to adopt. A nuanced essay in which much space is given to the point of view of young people.
Text, publish, scroll, by Emmanuelle Parent. Éditions Écosociété. From 15 years old.

Text, publish, scroll
Éditions Écosociété
From 15 years old