Children’s books | Monsieur Ed shines in Bologna

Monsieur Ed shines at the Bologna International Children’s Book Fair. The independent publishing house has just been named the best children’s publisher in North America.

Posted at 5:31 p.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

When she saw the words “Monsieur Ed” appear on the giant screen during the award ceremony, publisher Valérie Picard did not immediately realize that her publishing house had just won. Still surprised, she wrote to The Press it was a great honour.

The prize, which highlights the creativity and innovation of publishers, is awarded by industry professionals from around the world. Valérie Picard says she is very happy that the work and efforts of recent years have been recognized by her peers.

When The Press contacted her, she was getting ready to go celebrate the news with Geneviève Auclair, publishing assistant at Monsieur Ed.

In the past, the Quebec publishing houses La Pastèque, D’eux, Comme des Géants and Les 400 coups have also been honored in Bologna.

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