children trained in baïnes



France 3

Article written by

France 3 Aquitaine: A. Brignoli, T. Grouhel, B. Chague – France 3

France Televisions

On the Atlantic coast, there is a new alert for baïnes, these extremely dangerous currents which claim several victims each year. In the Landes, three former lifeguards offer courses for the youngest to better understand the ocean and its dangers.

On the beach of Capbreton (moors)it is not yet returned, but the lessons are never far away. Julian Bachouepedagogical manager “Dangers of the ocean” Safe Oceanform children.We teach them a little bit how the baïnes work, the current in one direction and in the other, how to get back to shore. So, with little games, we show them a little bit how theocean“, explains the manager.

They are also taught how to pass over the waves, how to use them to return to shore and also with an imitation of first aid. The ocean swimming school was founded by three lifeguards.We realized during our rescues that the main cause of these rescues was people’s lack of knowledge of the ocean environment, so our philosophy was really to pass on basic knowledge to get by in the oceans”explains Laurent Falcetoeducational manager “Swimming” Safe Ocean.

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