Children on the loose… | The duty

In Montreal, in several neighborhoods, we have seen green alleys come to life for the past few years. This initiative is very well described in a video entitled Lively and vigilant alley, a presentation of the Regroupement des éco-quartiers. Who could oppose such an initiative? (By the way, the video is very well done.) A few minutes ago, I was walking on rue Fabre, south of avenue du Mont-Royal, and there was a poster planted in the snow at the entrance of a “green lane” jumps out at me: “Attention, children on the loose”! Oh good ! Please let us know. Are these children dangerous? Do they bite? Are the other children in captivity? And the more I think about it: wouldn’t it be more relevant for the safety of our children to plant a poster where it would be written “Attention, speeders on the loose”?

To see in video

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