children discover the farm in a playful way


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The Salon de l’Agriculture is the major meeting place for the agricultural world, which attracts thousands of visitors each time. This is an opportunity for children to discover the work of farmers and to meet different animals.

Surprised, joyful and amazed faces in front of the little calves who are still sleeping. Some children are going to the Salon de l’Agriculture for the first time on Wednesday 2 March. “We see animals. For example, cows, sheep, bulls”observes Mathis, 7 years old.

Yacine, 11, lives near Disney. Here, the scenery is very different. Admiring, he nevertheless remains lucid about the profession of farmer: “I find it a bit poorly paid for what it is. They work hard and it’s not very well paid”. Élise, 10, agrees with him. But, as the daughter of breeders in Haute Savoie, she is very proud to share her passion with visitors, and would like to become a farmer. “I love milking in the morning at 5am”, she explains. With her sister Charline, she kindly makes fun of visitors who cannot tell a cow from a bull.

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