Video length: 2 min.
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Climate change is being felt in Polynesia. Children learn to take coral cuttings in order to preserve this resource and realize its fragility.
Once a week, it’s time for practical work for a group of students from middle school and primary school in Hao (French Polynesia), an atoll labeled Aire Marine Éducative (AME) since last November. They chose to take cuttings from coral. A long-term job. The students carry out their project with volunteers and, in the long term, will exchange with scientists from CRIOBE or IFREMER, to monitor the growth and presence of marine animals.
An educational project to protect the marine environment
Since last November, the students have already taken cuttings from a hundred small corals in shallow water. This educational project for the protection of the marine environment was born ten years ago in the Marquesas. A Polynesian initiative that has been emulated. Today, several hundred schools in France and other overseas territories have joined the network of Educational Marine Areas.