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The children will be able to breathe a little with the end of the compulsory mask in the playground and the reduction of the protocol.
They had a slightly lighter day. No mask in the playground for these students from Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), so when they leave, it’s a cry from the heart. Same happiness in the schools of Hauts-de-France for young and old, to be able to look at each other, from the forehead to the chin. “When I took off my mask, they stared at me (…) because it’s true that I never take off my mask in front of children“, says Stéphanie Damiens, director of the Saint-Jacques school.
Gone is the mask also for the sport practiced indoors. It remains obligatory in class, as well as repeated hand washing and barrier gestures. But the protocol becomes lighter when the teacher is absent. Pupils may again be divided into other classes of the same level. Also finished are the three self-tests in the event of a positive child in class. From February 28, only one will be requested on D+2 without a sworn statement from the parents.