“Children at the swimming pool and then there you go!”, meeting the people of Mayenne who go on vacation in Mayenne

Although German, Dutch and English tourists have traditionally come to campsites in Mayenne, the camper is very often a local this year. Declining purchasing power, a heat wave that does not encourage people to drive, many inhabitants of the department have chosen to take advantage of the summer not far from their homes.

Some have only traveled four, seven or ten kilometers to come here“says Véronique Gamain, the owner of Le Parc de Vaux campsite in Ambrières-les-Vallées.This was the case during the July 14 bridge. The people of Mayenne are looking for a swimming pool, the calm of a campsite. And shade. Here we are not yet on very high prices, so that is what interests them too“explains the professional.

On the parking lot of the campsite, several vehicles are also registered 53. Philippe arrives from Laval in a motorhome. “40 kilometers to ride, that’s all. _We haven’t done many kilometers as it’s very hot_. The children in the swimming pool and then voila” he says. This grandfather brought his two grandchildren from Laval. Thimoté seems to enjoy short trips. “In Mayenne there are quite a few places to cool off so it’s practical‘ smiled the child.

Rediscover Mayenne differently

Traveling close to home is a way of rediscovering Mayenne continues Philippe. “_You can see beautiful castles that are remote from everything when you drive by_. On a bike you see a lot of things“exclaims the Laval resident. Brigitte is enjoying the joys of camping with her two granddaughters. They have just arrived from Changed for an initiation holiday in tents.”They discover life with few means at our disposal. And that’s not easy when you’re eleven or twelve, and you’re used to having it all“says the grandmother.

Locals present in Mayenne campsites in July, and this will probably be the case in August according to Véronique Gamain, the manager of Le Parc du Vaux campsite.

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