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After two weeks of holidays and the return to class on Monday January 3, the finding is clear: the number of students positive for Covid is exploding. Between school, homework and waiting in front of pharmacies, the schedule of children and their parents is under great pressure.
The health protocol was lightened between Thursday 6 and Friday 7 January. Before Samira Elementary School Bellil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, some parents do not understand more a lot. School’s director, Karim Bacha, discovered the new rules overnight, he too feels overwhelmed. “Between Monday morning, when we started to explain the re-entry protocol and Friday, we already have a new protocol, maybe Monday or Tuesday, we will have another different one.“, he comments.
Since Monday, January 3, if there is a positive case in the class, all students must perform an antigen test or PCR, then two self-tests within four days. Since Friday January 7, the cycle of three tests remains valid for seven days, even if a new case is detected in the class. The slight easing of the rules does not convince a large number of parents, who are still reluctant to have their children tested so often, especially when you also have to queue for hours to get tested. To denounce a health protocol deemed unmanageable, seven teachers’ unions called a strike from Thursday, January 13.