Child pornography and luring | Victims of a cyberpredator wanted

A 47-year-old man accused of possession of child pornography and luring minors could have other victims, estimates the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), which is appealing to the population.

The accused, who is called Nicolas Gauthier, would have used the name of Olivier Daoust, “a person having no connection with him”, indicated the SQ in a press release on Tuesday.

Gauthier came into contact with his victims through the Instagram network and the classified ad site Craigslist, specifies the SQ.

The suspect was arrested on February 6 in Victoriaville for sexual offences. He then appeared at the Victoriaville courthouse, where he faced charges of possession of child pornography and luring two separate victims.

The investigation suggests that he could have had other minor victims, underlines the SQ.

“We know that with social media, we can get in touch with a lot of people,” explains a spokesperson for the police force, Louis-Philippe Ruel. Potential victims could come from any region.

As at least two victims have already been identified, the SQ has deployed its Serial Crime Investigation Management Structure (GECS), a provincial command structure in which Quebec police forces work in partnership.

The public can also send confidential information to the Criminal Information Center of the Sûreté du Québec, at 1 800 659-4264.

“The investigation will remain open as long as people come forward,” said Mr. Ruel.

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