child killers serving gangs



Video length: 3 min

Drug trafficking: child killers serving gangs
Drug trafficking: child killers serving gangs
(France 2)

Two gangs, the Yoda clan and the DZ mafia, regularly clash against a backdrop of drug trafficking in Marseille. They are recruiting more and more teenagers as hired shooters.

A few months ago, a young 24-year-old from Marseillais met a “Complément d’investigation” team. A small dealer, he said he became a hitman. In exchange for 20,000 euros, he allegedly killed a man, a member of a rival gang. “He’s an intermediary. He’s a friend, he called me (…) he said to me: ‘there’s this to do’. (…) It’s not a joy, it’s not a pleasure. I sleep badly, I sleep very, very badly.”he said.

The crimes of these young killers are making the rounds on social networks. According to the courts, six out of ten people indicted for murder or attempted murder linked to drug trafficking are between 14 and 21 years old. For an educator, the situation was still unimaginable a few years ago. “The grown-ups, impossible that they would have let us touch a weapon“, he assures.

Gang warfare now relies on this docile workforce, attracted by the lure of profit. For drug traffickers, these young minors, outside the network, have become the ideal workforce. “This subcontracting allows the sponsor to enormously reduce the risks”analyzes Yann Sourisseau, head of the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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