child immunization in detail


France 2

Article written by

F. Prabonnaud, N. Lambert, A. Zouiouèche, B. De Saint-Jorre – France 2

France Televisions

In France, the first doses of Pfizer vaccine for children are arriving. Almost 360,000 at-risk children between the ages of five and eleven will be able to receive a first injection.

A new vaccine against Covid-19 is arriving in France. With its orange cap, it is reserved for children. Tuesday, December 14, 1.9 million pediatric doses will leave the plant in Puurs, Belgium, to 115 French delivery points. Some 360,000 children from five to eleven years old will be able to benefit from it, in particular those with a heart defect or suffering from respiratory diseases. The High Authority for Health (HAS) also recommends vaccinating children “who live in the entourage of people at serious risk”, explains Professor Daniel Floret, pediatrician and member of the HAS.

Pfizer’s vaccine will be the same as that for adults, but with a smaller dose: 10 micrograms in the pediatric vaccine, compared to 30 for adults. Only general practitioners and pediatricians will be able to vaccinate children. But some fear that they will not be able to free up enough time for these new patients. Vaccination for children should be given as two injections, three weeks apart.

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