Chief Raoni, an international figure in the fight for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and indigenous culture in Brazil, hopes “that the agreements that are made will really be implemented.”
Reading time: 3 min

Three days before the end of COP28, pressure is increasing in Dubai to find an agreement on the climate, with the question of the end of fossil fuels in the background. Today, at the same time, debates focus on food and agriculture.
At over 90 years old, chef Raoni continues the fight started more than 30 years ago for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest. He meets the mayor of Paris on Sunday December 10 and the President of the Republic on Monday. He comments for franceinfo on the ongoing negotiations in Dubai, but also on the coming to power of Javier Milei in Argentina. And calls on consumers to turn to local products.
franceinfo: In your opinion, do the countries present at COP28 have the same objective as you, the preservation of the planet? ?
Raoni: It’s very important, COP28. I hope that the agreements that will be made will be really effective, implemented because there is no point in making agreements all the time if it leads to nothing! I am waiting for them to sign agreements like the rules on food which will be imposed in France in January on the origin of products. I really want this to work, so that we can have air to breathe and a good quality of life for everyone.
What message do you want to send to States before the end of COP28 ? What do you expect from them, concretely, to preserve the Amazon rainforest? ?
I expect these meetings to reach agreements on the provenance of products that contribute to deforestation, such as soy, meat and wood. I’m just afraid of the differences between heads of state in terms of the scope of the rules.
“All business leaders, businessmen, must put money into protecting forests, against deforestation, into protecting rivers. The more they pollute, the more they must put money into protection of the forest.”
Chef Raoniat franceinfo
Is there not also a responsibility of individuals and their consumption? ?
In Brazil, we have a lot of hectares of forest that have been destroyed because of cattle breeding and soy plantations. What I ask you, the consumers, is to take advantage of the products near you! Consume local products! And you who plant soybeans and raise livestock, in Brazil or France, will raise cattle or plant soybeans on already deforested land. Stop cutting down more trees for new livestock and new plantations, take advantage of already deforested land. Plant your seeds there and raise your livestock, and don’t touch the protected lands again!
In November, deforestation in the Amazon fell to its lowest level since records began eight years ago. Does this make you optimistic about the future? ? Do you see the end of your fight? ?
I am very happy with this reduction, but I will continue to speak, I will continue my fight. It is good news, it is positive but it is not the end of my fight. As my friend (Brazilian President) Lula said, we will stop deforestation in 2030. I will work hand in hand with him to make that happen. But until that happens, we’ll be here fighting.
The Argentines today inaugurate their new president, Javier Milei. He’s a climate skeptic. After the Bolsonaro years in Brazil, does this worry you ?
When there is a balanced president, that reassures me! Bolsanaro didn’t know how to talk to people, he hurt me a lot. The president of Argentina is a new Bolsonaro, he worries me a lot. It’s very dangerous. We all hope he won’t stay in power for long.