Cher in a relationship with Tom Cruise: “It was hot, even torrid”

Cher fans will be delighted to learn that Arte is broadcasting The Witches of Eastwick this Monday, January 24 in the first part of the evening. In the casting of the fantastic film signed George Miller, the American singer, but also Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon. Cher portrays the character of Alexandra Medford, a single person in search of love. During an evening with friends, the trio of actresses draws the portrait of the ideal man whom they see appear as a neighbor the day after their little party. If the interpreter of believe has never rubbed shoulders with his partner Jack Nicholson off camera, another famous actor had this chance: Tom Cruise. The meeting takes place in 1985, the day of Madonna’s wedding to Sean Penn. A story that has remained secret for a very long time and that the age difference has not compromised.

At the time, Tom Cruise was 22, Cher was 37. But between them, love resonates as obvious: “It was a very long time ago and none of us ever talked about it and I don’t know why, specified the artist in an interview for When we were together, she was a very discreet person. It always was until recently. He didn’t talk about it, I didn’t talk about it. I still loved him, he was amazing.” She is full of praise for her former partner. In 2013 opposite Andy Cohen in Watch What Happens Live, Cher had indicated that Tom Cruise was in the “top 5” of men she had dated: “He wasn’t a Scientologist then… He’s a wonderful boy. The person I knew was a wonderful, lovely man. It was quite hot or even hot for a minute“.

The romance did not ultimately exceed three years due to their busy schedules: “It was after Risky Business and just before The Color of Money. I couldn’t go to Chicago [Tom Cruise s’y trouvait, ndlr] and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.“If they have since each known beautiful love stories, Cher and Tom Cruise are both single. The ex-husband of Katie Holmes preferred to put an end to the relationship he had with Hayley Atwell, her partner in mission impossible 7. A flashback years later could well happen. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck proved it.

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