Chemical submission: an awareness campaign launched to warn about this still little-known scourge


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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Nearly 600 complaints are filed each year for chemical submissions. This term means to be drugged without his knowledge. Nine out of ten victims are women. An awareness campaign was launched on Monday, May 22 to warn about this still largely unknown scourge.

Caroline Darian has written a book on the subject of chemical submission. It launches, Monday, May 22, an awareness campaign, entitled “Don’t fall asleep”, on this still largely unknown drift. The term chemical submission describes GHB attacks in nightclubs, for example, but especially within homes. “Chemical submission is drugging a person without their knowledge to abuse them, without them being able to react or sometimes even being aware of it”explains Caroline Darian.

Nearly 600 complaints filed each year

For this, antihistamines, sedatives and anxiolytics are used. Medicines dispensed in pharmacies. To relay the campaign, associations and around fifty personalities got involved thanks to the hashtag “Don’t fall asleep”. In France, nearly 600 complaints are filed every year, nine out of ten victims being women.

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