Chelsea fall to West Ham and lose leadership

They seemed unbeatable but eventually gave in. Unbeatable leader of the Premier League since the start of the season, showing an impeccable defensive base, Chelsea fell, Saturday, December 4, against the London neighbor of West Ham (3-2).

The game started off well for Thomas Tuchel’s men. Thanks to skillful reversals of play, the Blues were able to seize the wings to bypass the block of West Ham and multiply the centers in front of the cage of Fabianski. And it is on a corner in the 28th that Thiago Silva gave the advantage to his people with a pricked head, two minutes before saving a ball on his line. As a sign that it was at the defensive level that everything was going to be played out.

And Chelsea’s too many mistakes in this area did not allow them to win. Against all expectations, the face that this feverishness has taken on today is that of a player who has often taken on the role of savior: Edouard Mendy. Praised as one of the best goalkeepers in the world, the Senegalese goalkeeper showed unusual concentration swings.

West Ham’s equalizer from the penalty spot is an example: an insecure back pass from Jorginho resulted in a foul by the Senegalese goalkeeper in his own area, after a failed dribble attempt. Decidedly not to his advantage, Mendy was also guilty of a hand fault on the center-shot of Masuaku which allowed David Moyes’ men to win.

It had been two months since Chelsea had lost. A 1-0 defeat in Turin against Juventus, in the Champions League, on September 29. As for the Premier League, their last setback dates back to September 25, when Manchester City came to seek a narrow victory at Stamford Bridge (0-1).

The Blues fall in the standings. Thanks to his victory over Wolverhampton (0-1), Liverpool take the lead and are one point ahead of Chelsea. The two teams now depend on Manchester City’s trip to Watford this afternoon (3rd two points behind Liverpool). With this victory, West Ham (4th, 27 points) asserts itself as a serious competitor in the fight for the top 4.

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