Chefs share their recipes on social networks to attract new customers



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Since the confinements, many chefs have presented their recipes on social networks to bring their customers back to the dining room. #TheyHaveTheSolution

It is a practice that began to become widespread during the confinements in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the kitchens of their restaurant, chefs have started to animate accounts on social networks to present their recipes to customers. A way to create a link when all establishments had gone only to take-out. But also a way to provoke the desire to move among a young audience, very fond of this kind of content.

The virus moved away, but the practice remained. In Vendée, Sébastien Moreau, the chef of the restaurant “L’écume gourmande” tells how his videos published on social networks have made his establishment better known. “The customers from before came back and the number of shares meant that we had a new clientele”. In his kitchen, before the service, his team is busy for lunch while he records his last video.

To take advantage of this craze, start-ups have even created platforms that bring together videos of chefs. According to Mathieu Perochon, the president of Cooking University, however, it was necessary to rethink the format of the videos at the end of the confinements.

“Now that life has resumed, we have chosen to make short 30-minute formats to meet this demand and say: despite your work, despite your occupations, you can still treat yourself by cooking quickly and locally”, says the boss of Cooking University, a site on which recipes are shared every day.

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