cheese changes taste for winter


France 3

Article written by

O. Poncelet, M. Diawara, C. Berbette-Justice – France 3

France Televisions

Saint-Nectaire, a specialty cheese from the Auvergnats, is particularly rich in flavor this winter. This is linked to the feeding of the cows because this year the hay is very fragrant.

Saint-Nectaire, a special cheese from Auvergne, is born in the meadows, at altitude on the peaks of the region. When winter comes, the farmers feed the animals with the hay harvested during the summer. But this year, the hay is of lower quality. “It’s because of the weather conditions which have been unfavorable this year, so there has been a lot of rain and not enough time to harvest”explains a farmer.

The hay, harvested on July 20 instead of June 15, would be less nutritious. Result: the cows produce less milk and therefore less cheese. Antoine Soares, producer of Saint-Nectaire, claims to lose about fifteen a week. The hay has been analyzed and the results are final. It lacks protein because it has fewer leaves and more stems. Bruno Martin, researcher at Inrae, ensures that “the mature flowers” contained in the hay modify the taste of the cheese.

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