Cheaper than a liter of petrol, the future Txik Txak bus ticket will allow you to go anywhere in the Basque Country

Going from Urt to the Aguiléra stadium in Biarritz now costs three euros: two euros for a Car Express ticket, then you have to buy another ticket at one euro to get on a Chronoplus bus. As of July 4, all you need to do isa single ticket for 1.20 euros to make the trip. And it will be the same throughout the Basque Country, throughout the Txik Txak network: with this ticket cheaper than a liter of petrol, valid for 1h30, it will be possible to travel three stops with the Trambus to Anglet or to Tardets-Bayonne. The Mobility Union reviews and unifies the prices of all networks, Chronoplus, Hegobus, Car Express, Proxi’bus…

First increase in twelve years for the Chronoplus network

The goal is to simplify things as much as possible to encourage us to take the bus eliminating incomprehensible fare grids and multiple tickets. By the way, regulars of the Chronoplus network see the ticket increase by twenty cents, but this is the first time in twelve years according to the mobility union, and it remains one of the cheapest networks in France. And the objective is above all to encourage users to take out a monthly or annual subscription.

For this, the mobility union is also introducing on July 4 a solidarity pricing based on income and age (people under 28 and over 65). “It’s social and even very social pricing”explains Fabien Duprez, the general manager of the Mobility Union, “since we are going up to 75% reductions. There is no other network that is at this level of reduction. To give a concrete example, a person under 28 years of age, with a family quotient less than 620 euros will pay 4 euros per month for their ticket. So we really went very, very far to really allow everyone to get on the bus, regardless of their income.

Who is entitled to discounted subscriptions?

Two out of three inhabitants of the Basque Country agglomeration are eligible at this reduced rate:

  • Family quotient less than 430 euros : 75% discount on monthly or annual subscription
  • Family quotient between 431 and 620 euros : 50% discount
  • Family quotient more than 620 euros : age-related reduction

And if you are not eligible for solidarity or age-based pricing but you are an employee, you are entitled to a support of your subscription at 50% by your employer.

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