Chaudière-Appalaches | Possible drowning of a 2-year-old child in Saint-Apollinaire

(Saint-Apollinaire) A two-year-old child was found unresponsive, Monday around noon, in a residential swimming pool in the municipality of Saint-Apollinaire, in Chaudière-Appalaches.

Police officers from the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) were requested to assist paramedics who were on the scene due to a child in cardiorespiratory arrest.

Resuscitation maneuvers were quickly carried out on the child, who was transported to a hospital center, said Élizabeth Marquis-Guy, spokesperson for the SQ.

It is unclear whether the residential pool was surrounded by a fence or a security gate.

The circumstances surrounding the event remain unclear. For the moment, the SQ does not confirm that it was a drowning.

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