Chaudière-Appalaches | A road trip causes the death of a motorist in Saint-Apollinaire

(Montreal) A 23-year-old man lost his life following a road accident Friday afternoon in Saint-Apollinaire, in the Chaudière-Appalaches region.

According to Stéphane Tremblay, media relations officer at the Sûreté du Québec, the motorist, who was alone in his vehicle, deviated from his path and found himself on the side of Route 273, where he violently hit trees. It all happened shortly before 2:30 p.m.

Seriously injured, the motorist was transported to a hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

An investigation is underway regarding this event. Even if no other vehicle is involved in the accident, the Sûreté du Québec favors the hypothesis of speed or overtaking at high speed.

“It seems that speed played a role,” says Mr. Tremblay, who relates “an overtaking” just before leaving the road.

It was closed to traffic for approximately three hours, while a specialist collision investigator conducted an assessment at the scene. Motorists were able to re-use this route around 5:30 p.m., said Mr. Tremblay.

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