Châtellerault organizes a large collection of furniture for Ukrainian families

The city of Châtellerault (Vienne) seeks to equip several empty apartments as quickly as possible to house refugees by the weekend. City officials have therefore been organizing a collection of donations since Monday. Next and last slot Thursday March 31 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Chillou Exhibition Center.

Priority furniture

The cars parade through Hall C. Bernadette, a resident of Châtellerault, drops off sheets, blankets, towels : “We emptied our cupboards for a good cause“. Sylvie also wants to feel useful: “Families will come to the accommodation, it’s always useful to have dishes“.

Donations must be in good condition, specify the city, and primarily concern basic equipment. “We have a few mattresses but we lack bedding so box springs duvets sheets and a minimum of foodstuffs so that they can find autonomy” explains the coordinator and social action assistant Françoise Braud.

Nine empty slots

The city will make available unoccupied accommodation in certain senior residences, specifies Françoise Braud. Thirty displaced Ukrainians can benefit from it. “_It’s temporary_which can last as long as there is no more durable solution offered to them” concludes the vice-president of the CCAS of Châtellerault. “

After Chasseneuil, Montmorillon, and Poitiers, a new temporary reception center opened its doors on Monday March 28 in Châtellerault. It is installed in the Sanital gymnasium and has around fifty seats.

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