Chat with a robot | The duty

Artificial intelligence (AI) has just set foot on our doorstep and we are inviting it into our homes, but also into us. One of the applications that is already making headlines is the conversational robot, to which we easily attribute human qualities and traits, only because it becomes adept at imitating them well.

Serge Tisseron, psychiatrist: “And as nothing mobilizes human beings as much as being able to talk about themselves and being listened to, robots will probably become our privileged confidants. The problem is that the more competent these machines become in the area of ​​understanding and emotional simulation, the more we will be tempted to project imaginary skills onto them. »

Our memory is not a USB key, and consciousness will never be a series of algorithms as some transhumanist paragons claim. By conforming to these new technological dictates, we risk robotizing ourselves and alienating the deep nature of our being. And this could be done by discussing important things with a cold machine, without real intelligence, possessing neither the knowledge of existence, nor that of its human experiences, nor this gaze, carried mutually from one human to another , the only one capable of saying a lot, without speaking. If you want to be sure not to interact with the sidereal void of printed circuits, look for these windows of the mind that real beings naturally have.

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