Charlotte Valandrey operated for 8 hours: she received her new heart!

At the end of May, Charlotte Valandrey announced to her fans on Instagram that she would be away for a while. Then, quickly, the now 53-year-old actress finally revealed that she had been hospitalized for a few weeks awaiting her new heart; the third. The former star of the series Les Cordiers, judge and cop needed a new transplant because his heart was “come to an end“. On June 14, she reported that her long-awaited graft was here! Closer now gives news.

The magazine’s website reports that she has already been operated on. “According to our information, Charlotte Valandrey would have been operated from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in a large Parisian hospital. Released from the block, she is said to be currently resting while his operation went well“, can we read. After eight hours in the hands of doctors, the actress and ex-wife of Arthur Lecaisne therefore seems ready to be able to resume the course of her life under good supervision. in person to her subscribers when she’s a bit more fit. This transplant, for Charlotte Valandrey it was like a kind of miracle.”My graft has just arrived! And it was high time. That’s wonderful. Thank you for all your prayers. They heard you. I will never forget him“, she said on Instagram when she heard this happy news.

Charlotte Valandrey has had multiple health problems throughout her life. Since adolescence, she has been HIV positive and has to take a heavy drug treatment combined with a second one for her heart problems. A daily challenge that weighs on her since she recently revealed that she was having more and more trouble swallowing the pills…”So far it hasn’t bothered me. I swallowed them all at once. For some time, I can’t stand it anymore. It’s like a rejection. It doesn’t happen anymore. I have to swallow them six times, and again with difficulty. I think it corresponds to being fed up, I can’t take it anymore“, she said to Gala last March. Unfortunately, the star and mother of Tara doesn’t really have a choice…

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