Charlotte of Cambridge: The daughter of Kate and William walks in the footsteps of … Meghan Markle!

While her big brother George will be king of England following William, will Charlotte of Cambridge become an actress? Everything is possible ! The little girl who will turn 7 in early May would indeed be the best of her acting classes, according to revelations from a source close to the magazine US Weekly. “Every chance she gets, Charlotte is ready to put on a show“, continues this person remained anonymous.

It must be said that the little girl seems to have character! From an early age, she had fun making funny faces at journalists, a habit that she seems to have kept in view of her facial expressions during her last appearance, during the tribute to Prince Philip. Prince William had himself explained that his daughter was not one to let things go.

If you ask her, she says she’s 16. Charlotte says, ‘I’m six now, I do what I want'” had told Prince William during an interview. However, the one who is nicknamed “Princess Warrior“(Warrior Princess) by her comrades appears to be a child”sparkling“, always ready to put people at ease around her. A character trait that surely comes from her royal education and her mother, smiling in all circumstances.

The source ofUS Weekly continues, dithyrambic on the little princess: “Charlotte is very intelligent and quick-witted. She is first in her class in reading, in fact, she likes to do her homework“. The sister of Princes Louis and George therefore seems to be a serious child, while being attracted to “arts and theater“.

Even if no member of the royal family has made a career in the cinema for the moment, it should however be remembered that she has an actress in her entourage: Meghan Markle, the wife of her uncle Harry! Admittedly, the little girl does not know her very well since the mother of her cousins ​​Archie (3 years old) and Lilibet (10 months) returned to the United States when she was only 4 years old, but she could quickly make her shade !

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