Charlotte Gainbourg unfaithful? Yvan Attal evokes certain gray areas of their couple

In love with Yvan Attal since 1991, Charlotte Gainsbourg has never forgotten her independence and her freedom. A time gone to New York after the sudden death of her sister Kate Barry in 2013, the actress was then at a distance from her husband who remained in Paris. Interviewed by Frédéric Beigbeder for the magazine Himthe director had mentioned without complex the possible infidelities of his partner, without holding it against him for all that.

She does what she wants. […] I can’t believe that outside of me, when I’m not around, she’s faithful…“. Feeling an unconditional love for the daughter of Serge Gainsbourg, the director had announced that he willingly forgave his possible deviations or carnal adventures. The only prerogative, he prefers to ignore everything! “I do not want to know anything ! If she comes in, I’m worth it!” he revealed. Parents of Ben (born in 1997), Alice (born in 2002) and Joe (born in 2011), the couple is now considered one of the strongest in the world. French cinema.

Asked by Marie Claire, Yvan Attal had also confided that he thought in priority of the happiness of his children, the fruits of his love for the pretty Charlotte. “When you are the father of three children, you no longer think of yourself first. They are taken into account in all the choices“confided the man who won the Michel Simon Prize in 1989, the César for best male hope for A world without pity in 1990 and the Jean Gabin prize in 1997.

As a reminder, Yvan Attal and Charlotte Gainsbourg fell in love with each other on the set of the film. In the eyes of the world in 1991. They had then chained the cinematographic projects whose films My wife is an actress (2001), They got married and had many children (2004) or even They are everywhere (2016).

Apparently refractory to marriage, Charlotte Gainsbourg has always refused to put the ring on her finger even after the request of her companion in 2013, just after he received the insignia of Knight of the National Order of Merit. Interviewed by Thierry Ardisson on the show Hello earthlings (C8) in 2018, the director explained why they didn’t end up getting married: “She doesn’t want. (…) She doesn’t want anything! She wants to stay like that, she doesn’t want to change anything“, he confided, a little resigned.

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