Charlotte Dhenaux’s sketch on François Hollande creates unease live in “Quelle époque”

Léa Salamé was back at the helm of her show “Quelle époque” this Saturday, October 21, 2023, on France 2. Among the guests of the day: the former President of the French Republic François Hollande, the TV and radio host Eric Brunet, the businessman Matthieu Pigasse, the editorialist Nathalie Saint-Cricq, the doctor in political science Hugo Micheron and the editorial director of the magazine “Franc-Tireur, Caroline Fourest.
In the middle of a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the latter sharply reframed Christophe Dechavanne by telling him to shut up to let her speak… It was then François Hollande’s turn to be manhandled by the program’s new columnist, Charlotte Dhenaux. Present in the show since the start of the season, the actress was chosen to embody the “new face of humor” of the show broadcast every Saturday evening.

The young woman then decided to tease François Hollande about all the funny situations he found himself in while being president, such as the revelation of his affair with Julie Gayet while he was still in a relationship with Valérie Trierweiler, his difficulty speaking in English during his speeches or even the day he found himself all wet after being exposed to the rain during his inauguration ceremony in 2012.

Unfortunately, Charlotte Dhenaux’s sketch was not unanimous and did not really make the audience laugh. If François Hollande seemed very embarrassed, viewers were quick to point out to what extent the comedian has no place in the show.”Dismaying, even the guests seemed dejected”Still as embarrassing, an ordeal every week”,“Very embarrassing sequence”, “Mocking is not necessarily being funny. Charlotte Dhenaux, that wasn’t funny. With each ‘sketch’ or ‘humor post’ I’m embarrassed for you, it’s ridiculous your ‘intervention'”, “Not funny, embarrassing and worse boring”“Just a question. Who finds this funny?”, “Is she pumped to be there every week?” can we indeed read among the reactions on X (formerly Twitter).


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