Charlotte Bilbault, hyperactive midfielder who enjoys the fight

During the Women’s Football Euro, the players of the France team confide in Fabrice D’Almeida, professor of contemporary history. VSow did they reach the highest level? Answer with Charlotte Bilbault.

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In defense as in midfield, Charlotte Bilbault is an energy. Already hyperactive when she was little, she always appreciated the fight, the shock, even when child, she played with boys. No wonder that. His family is full of sportsmen and footballers.

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How surprising then that his favorite gesture is the tackle. A defensive action, but voluntary and which imposes itself on the adversary. But as soon as she leaves the field, she is this generous and open personality, attentive to her family, in her native region, near Vierzon. It is in this circle that she recharges her batteries, very happy to have a very young nephew who arrived a few months ago. As a child, she had struggled to live away from her family. His arrival at Clairefontaine had been an ordeal. Today, she returned with pleasure to the national football center. She is ready for the competition.

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