Charlotte Aubin will be its spokesperson | The 26th REGARD festival will be accessible online

Due to the resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic, REGARD, the must-see short film festival in Saguenay, will offer a version accessible entirely online while maintaining the hope of presenting events in theaters at the end of March.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

The festival management has also announced that the actress Charlotte Aubin will be the spokesperson for this 26e editing. The latter has already been a performer in a few films presented at REGARD including Mint cream, short film by Jean-Marc E. Roy and Philippe David selected for the Directors’ Fortnight in Cannes.

Joined by Press, REGARD’s general manager, Marie-Elaine Riou, explained that in the current situation, it was necessary to have all the available options in hand.

“We were on our way to return to our traditional festival presentation in March, but, like many people, we did not see this new wave of the pandemic coming,” said Mme Riou in a telephone interview. Faced with these uncertainties, we now planned the online edition while continuing to work on normal programming that would take place in the presence. ”

If the reopening of theaters and cinema allows it, REGARD will then take place from March 23 to 27. But whether they are open or not, the online portion will take place on a viewing platform, from March 28 to April 10. The program, the content of which will be unveiled on March 2, can be viewed in its entirety.

Moreover, Marie-Elaine Riou tells us that passports for the online festival will be on presale from February 2 to March 2 at a cost of $ 30. This will provide a 50% discount on indoor tickets, if applicable. After March 2, passports for the online festival will be on sale for $ 40.

Charlotte aubin

Moreover, Mme Riou is delighted to see actress Charlotte Aubin joining the festival team to be its spokesperson in 2022.

“We realized that even though she turned Mint cream in Saguenay and that she played in a few short films presented at REGARD, Charlotte has never been to the festival, she says. However, she has stood out a lot in her work over the past year and I am happy that she is now part of the family as an Ambassador. For me, it’s a natural mesh. ”

Joined by Press, Charlotte Aubin (Turn, The breakaway, Goodbye happiness, Mad Dog Labine) was delighted to join this “very legendary festival”.

“Until now, it has been a missed date because of the shoots and other constraints,” she says. I feel privileged to be able to go there. I love the short film which is a very free form of cinema. I watch a lot of them. It is the essence of an artistic word for many directors. ”

How does she see her role as spokesperson? “I see myself as giving visibility to the festival, bringing it to life, participating in events and bridging the gap between the public and the organizers. I can’t wait to be there, to bring my energy. ”

Remember that the coronavirus pandemic has turned the plans of the two most recent editions of REGARD upside down.

In March 2020, when the pandemic was sweeping over Quebec, the 24e edition was canceled after only one day of presentation. Last year the 25e edition was presented in June with outdoor events, in drive-in format, and very few outside guests.

This year, the organizers were determined to return to the tradition of holding the event in March as has been the case for many years.

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