Charlotte and George at the funeral of Elizabeth II: their presence which makes so much talk justified by an expert

The burial of Elizabeth II in the chapel of her Windsor castle on September 19, 2022 ended ten intense days devoted to mourning the one who reigned seventy years over the United Kingdom. His state funeral was seen by four billion viewers around the world, as many people watched George and Charlotte, two of the three children of Prince William and his wife Kate. Aged 9 and 7 respectively, they attended an event that was both family and historical, a decision that was long thought out by their parents. The reason for this difficult choice? An expert of Hello! MagazineEmily Nash, gives her precise point of view.

The fact that George and Charlotte, initially preserved from all the ceremonies linked to the mourning of their illustrious grandmother, attended her national funeral, this has an explanation. The expert of Hello! Magazine justifies it thus:I think William and Kate’s decision to come with George and Charlotte was to allow them to honor their great-grandmother as members of her family and as loved and loved great-grandchildren. of which she was very proud. But it also sends a message of unity and continuity, which is very important in the monarchy. It was a way of emphasizing lineage, showing the king, his heir, Prince William and Prince George, who is now second in line to the throne.”

Very concerned parents

I think William and Kate thought long and hard about this, they were obviously very concerned about respecting their children’s privacy. Prince William, having gone through his own mother’s funeral himself at a young age and thus knowing all the difficulties it may have caused for him and his brother, was very careful with all of this with his decision,“adds Emily Nash. Lady Diana died in 1997 when Prince William was 15, a brutal and traumatic tragedy for her children and the whole world, to be distinguished from the natural disappearance of Elizabeth II at the twilight of her life and of his immense reign.

This is how William and Kate have their children participate in the funeral, but choosing to accompany them. Indeed, the specialist underlines that the order of protocol would have liked the children to be placed behind their parents, but the four of them walked togethera way for Kate and William to protect them in this difficult moment.

As for the last of the siblings, Louis, 4 years old, he was not present, probably because of his young age. “I imagine he was looked after very well, perhaps by the nanny the Prince and Princess of Wales have had for many years. I don’t think he watched the ceremony“, explains the expert. According to her, it is difficult to explain the event, especially if the parents are not there to answer the child’s questions.

awesome kids

George and Charlotte drew plenty of commentary, but it’s glaring to note how much and throughout the event they impressed with their wisdom. At 9 years old, George, who has a lot of pressure on his shoulders as an heir, looked impeccable in his blue suit. He was supported by his little sister who gave him advice on how to bow to the coffin of their “Gan Gan”, as they affectionately call her. The girl, decked out in a beautiful hat and a brooch in honor of the Queen, has caused ink to flow about hypothetical tears of emotion, which would turn out to be in truth simple eye discomfort .

Asked when she came to Sandringham, Kate Middleton told the press and the crowd how her children were managing this delicate period, explaining that they were doing well and that the eldest George understood the painful loss of his great-grandmother. She died on the first day of school for the three children, who have been educated since this year at the prestigious Lambrook establishment, since the family moved to Adelaide Cottage, not far from Windsor Castle and the chapel in which rests for the eternity His Majesty.

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