Video length: 6 mins.
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While she celebrated her 100th birthday a few months ago, Charlotte continues her activity by giving yoga classes where her students are impressed by her joie de vivre.
Charlotte Chopin’s outings always start in her bathroom. “I like to be presentable so that people say ‘Ah she takes care of herself, she’s flirtatious’. I like it”, confides the one who celebrated her 100th birthday a few months ago. The elegant Charlotte Chopin leads a well-paced life. To do her shopping, go see her friends or go to her activities, she uses the car. “I got my license in 1964. (…) I’m happy to be able to move around, it’s important because in the countryside, without a car, it’s not easy”she testifies.
An always benevolent yoga teacher
In her town of Léré (Cher), Charlotte Chopin is also a yoga teacher, a discipline she has been teaching since 1982. After three months of absence for convalescence, she finds her students. The centenarian continues breathtaking postures and guides her students, always with kindness: “For those who can, stretch, stretch, stretch. There, I can tell you that it pulls a lot”. “It’s a light, a ball of energy”says one of his students. “We feel good so a big thank you to Charlotte and her classes”says another.