Charles Pasqua: His great love Jeanne, died 1 year after the death of their son

Figure of the RPR and Gaullism, Charles Pasqua was in the news on November 21, 2021 after the violent attacks by UDI deputy Jean-Christophe Lagarde against the essayist almost candidate Eric Zemmour. Thus, he castigated the fact that the polemicist claims to be in the lineage of the former minister and resistant, believing that the latter him “shoot in the head“. A political personality who disappeared in 2015, shortly after his only son Pierre-Philippe and a few months before his great love, his wife Jeanne Joly.

When he was only 20 years old, Charles Pasqua married Jeanne Joly, of Quebec origin. Resistant during the Second World War at only 15 years old, the young man knows the fragility of life and therefore does not hesitate to say yes to his beloved in 1947. Shortly after, their first child is born, who will be the only one, Pierre-Philippe. He grew up with the very imposing political shadow of his father who was to be Minister of the Interior and “king” of Hauts-de-Seine. This is how the one who was a real estate agent oscillated between a career in the private sector and in politics by activating for a time in the Western movement. Justice will also be talked about since he will be convicted and sentenced several times in cases involving political and economic circles, that of Sofremi or GEC-Alsthom.

The death of their son from a long illness in February 2015 comes when he is 67 years old. Information announced by Paris Match : “Nicolas Sarkozy announced the news Wednesday evening, before the executive committee of the UMP. Charles Pasqua, now 87 years old, was one of the political godfathers of the former head of state. “After her death, a few months follow one another from her father in June following a cardiac arrest, then from her mother Jeanne. She indeed gave her last breath a year after her last child, February 7, 2016. In the Pasqua clan survive in particular the two children of Pierre-Philippe, Philippe and Alexandre.

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