Charles III: What turned the king away from Diana for Camilla, revelations of their astrological signs

Charles III, who officially became king on Saturday September 10, is a man with a complex character, a strong temperament but above all with a strong seductive side. His sign Scorpio does not lie about this aspect of his personality, making him a man with emotional and very physical relationships. But if he knows very fusional relationships, the native of this sign can also get tired when he seems to have discovered everything about the other. The explanation for the end of his story with Diana?

You should first know that Diana, official wife, and Camilla, the favorite mistress of the future king, are born under the same sign, Cancer. Of them astrological signs that reveal an emotional and very physical couple. And this explains the attraction of Charles, the Scorpio, for these two women of the same sign. Only, one may have succeeded in hiding his game more clearly from the latter, who therefore did not get tired. Indeed, the passionate fire of Scorpio is also a thirst for curiosity, a desire to always push the limits. But once Scorpio has discovered everything about the loved one, that there will no longer be any mystery for him, he will get tired of it just as soon. Would Camilla have managed to keep more secrets than her late rival?

Discussions hot who caused a scandal

Still, King Charles III maintains with Camilla, Queen Consort, a real harmony and perfect compatibility. Both very emotional, they also have a relationship that is just as physical. We remember in particular the hot discussions that the former lovers exchanged. Made public, they had caused a scandal in 1993. The tabloids had transcribed some of their heated discussions on the telephone. “I want to feel all over you, on top of you, up and down, in and out“, could be heard from the son of Elizabeth II, to his mistress. “Oh my God, I would like to live hidden in your pantsit would be much easier to see you“, he added. “What are you gonna do, turn into a pair of panties?“, wondered then Camilla “I could – God forgive me – turn into a Tampax !“, he threw at her. Their relationship is obviously not lacking in relief.

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