Charles III strips Harry and Meghan of their British residency

(London) Harry and Meghan now homeless in the UK: King Charles III has withdrawn the use of Frogmore Cottage, their British residence, from the couple who left for the United States, after the publication of the prince’s revenge book, the authorities reported on Wednesday. British media.

According to the daily The Sun And The TelegraphBuckingham Palace sent “an eviction notice” to the couple, who left the UK with a bang in 2020 and have since multiplied attacks on the monarchy.

Frogmore Cottage, a 5-bedroom residence near Windsor Castle in west London, was granted to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex by Elizabeth II in 2018 as a wedding gift.

The renovation work carried out by the couple for more than 2 million euros at the expense of the taxpayer had shocked, and Prince Harry had to reimburse them once his departure with Meghan Markle was recorded.

According The SunCharles III would not have proposed a new residence to the “Sussexes”, thus depriving them of any royal address during their rare trips to the United Kingdom, a decision which sounds like a sanction after the publication by Harry at the beginning of January of his book The Alternatein which he settles accounts with his family.

He recounts in particular a violent argument with his older brother William, the heir to the throne, about his wife Meghan and accuses Queen Consort Camilla of having revealed private conversations in the press.

This decision is likely to aggravate the conflicts within the institution while the couple is already contesting in court the withdrawal of their special police protection.

Two months before the king’s coronation, the question of Harry and Meghan’s presence at the ceremony has still not been officially decided, even if some media report that they have been invited.

According The Sunthe king would have asked prince Andrew to live in Frogmore Cottage to reduce the lifestyle of his younger brother, who currently lives in the luxurious property of Royal Lodge in Windsor.

Andrew fell out of favor after accusations of sexual assault and his friendship with the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted of sexually abusing minors.

The king would thus consider withdrawing his annual allowance of 250,000 pounds (about C$410,000).

Contacted by AFP, Buckingham Palace declined to comment on this information.

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