Charles III odious with his servants? These embarrassing images that resurface

It’s a sequence that made people talk. As it was proclaimed officially king, this Saturday, September 10, 2022, a furious gesture by Prince Charles, who became King Charles III, caught the eye. On social networks, many have been shocked at the attitude of the new 73-year-old sovereign with regard to a member of staff. And even Camilla, queen consort, who was in the background, looked “mortified“. And yet it wouldn’t be the first time that William and Harry’s father has shown that he doesn’t always have manners around his servants. And archive videos are already resurfacing

In a video, we can notably see that King Charles III has a sacred temperament. While he has just played a polo match, we can see him cracking and throwing his bomb in a very violent way. Obviously, Prince Charles was then struggling to contain his nerves. There are also his many requests, resembling true whims, of his staff. One of the members of it had thus revealed that there are specific details on how the cup of tea should be positioned. According to royal expert Clive Goodman, the son of the late Elizabeth II, who died at the age of 96 on Thursday, September 8, does so because he has never done anything alone. “He gets up in the morning, his bathrobe is there waiting for him; he enters the bathroom, the bath is already poured for him“, he thus let it be known. And when he comes out, a towel is waiting for him, also folded in a special way.

Everyone takes it for their rank

And be careful not to be mistaken. Indeed, when it comes to the temperature of his bath, Clive Goodman says that if the staff are off by a few degrees, “everyone is reprimanded“. The eating habits of the new King Charles III had also been controversial. In particular when the royal expert revealed in this same documentary that the royal kitchen was obliged to ransack nearly 100 eggs each time the prince went hunting. In this documentary titled Royal Servants (2011), when he returns from hunting the son of Elizabeth II likes to eat boiled eggs, which he consumes with Scotch whisky. Of course, the staff never know when they’ll be back. “So a good half hour before he comes back, they start boiling a batch of 20 eggs for exactly three minutesGoodman said. And then if he hasn’t arrived in those three minutes, they throw them away. Then they start another batch and another batch and you can go through about 100 eggs before the Prince of Wales comes home.“A food waste that had created the scandal.

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