Charles III: His strangely swollen and red hand makes people react, a photo shocks the web!

This Saturday, September 10, Prince Charles was proclaimed officially king. Became King Charles III, it is about to be scrutinized by the whole world. While Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday September 8 at the age of 96, enjoyed a high popularity rating, this is unfortunately not the case for her eldest, who begins his reign with this slight handicap. So inevitably, the father of Prince William who has become the Prince of Wales and Harry must expect not to have the right to make mistakes. If a furious gesture of it during its proclamation caused a lot of talk, this time it is his hands that are the subject of many questions on social networks.

Placed in the spotlight this Saturday, the king revealed some of his physical characteristics, including a hand with abnormally swollen and red fingers which immediately caught the attention of many Internet users. On Twitter, a photo of the swollen fingers on the hand of the late Her Majesty’s son, who stands in front of the first Liz Truss has been widely commented on. And already the craziest theories are flourishing on the social network, always fond of new scandals. Nevertheless, many medical conditions can however explain the swollen hand of King Charles III.

What are the possible explanations for his swollen fingers?

Not enough people discuss the comic size of King Charles’s fingers“, “What hell“, can we read on Twitter about it, when the fingers of the new 73-year-old sovereign are not simply compared to sausages. Daily Star asked Dr Gareth Nye, a lecturer at the University of Chester, for some explanation. Of a number of common medical conditions, one seems to him the most likely: edema. Edema is a soft tissue swelling due to increased interstitial fluid. It can be generalized or localized, accumulating in body tissues, often in the hands, legs and feet. It is a common condition that mainly affects people over the age of 65.

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