Charles III: His coronation ruined? His health is already playing tricks on him…

If Prince Charles had the time to prepare for it, it is impossible to be completely ready to face the death of his mother. However, it was on September 8 that this sad day arrived: at 96, Queen Elizabeth II bowed out. A disappearance caused by his advanced age, a year and a half after the death of prince Philip. Necessarily bereaved by this loss, Prince Charles did not have time to take the time precisely. As required by the monarchy, the new king is appointed automatically when the death of his predecessor is announced. This is how Elizabeth II’s eldest became King Charles III.

Despite the kingship he automatically inherited, King Charles is yet to be crowned. At least not officially. The event is scheduled for May 6, eight months after the Queen’s death. But it could be that the celebration does not go as planned since, as indicated by the Daily Mail, the husband of Camilla Parker-Bowles has not been in top form for several months, despite the big smiles that it displays during its official releases.

Charles III does not give the impression of it but he suffers from serious back problems which are quite disabling and above all “very painful” which could prevent him from ensuring his coronation as he had planned. Indeed, each king or queen has the possibility of choosing the crown which will be placed on his head. Charles III did not hesitate long in opting for the one his late mother wanted, but the relic could well pose a problem since it measures 30 centimeters and weighs 2.23 kilos, which aggravates the health problems to which Charles is already entitled.

Coronation may well be in jeopardy in every sense of the word. Impossible to maintain the event if Charles does not feel like ensuring an appointment as historic as it is rare. Beyond the health of the Sovereign, the other question that everyone is asking is that of the arrival of Prince Harry. Everything suggests that the Duke of Sussex will not be present to support his father. May 6 is none other than little Archie’s birthday. And meanwhile, Spare, memoirs of Prince Harry, are expected in bookstores. A story that makes the monarchy tremble and of which King Charles III has surely already had his back full…

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