Charles III crowned, Camilla is already leaving the ship!

A few days ago, the queen consort, Camilla Parker Bowles, flew to India. A journey that she had to undertake without her husband King Charles III. Indeed, the latter was obliged to stay in the United Kingdom for the election of its new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

According to the latest information from Times of India, the king will be separated from his wife for ten days. This would be a getaway private » that Camilla performs in the company of several friends. She would have chosen to walk away for ” rest in a holistic health center in Soukya (near Bagalore) “, reports Gala. An opportunity for William and Harry’s mother-in-law to follow ” rejuvenation therapies », but also to participate in meditation, homeopathy and Ayurveda sessions.

An opportunity to recharge

After the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the upheavals that the death of Her Majesty caused in the life of Camilla Parker Bowles, the time is therefore now at rest. And to carry out this special well-being “cure”, the wife of Charles III will have to follow strict rules. During her stay, the queen consort will not be allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, eat meat, or even use her cell phone. She will therefore not be able to communicate with her dear and tender. What a pity !

Fortunately, the latter has nothing to worry about since his wife benefits from the services of Royalty and Specialist Protection, a special force from Scotland Yard. ” There were strict instructions not to publicize his trip as this is a private tour “, has also indicated Times of India. And to add: No public engagement programs or interactions were scheduled during his stay. “A little trip in all serenity therefore…


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