Charlene of Monaco paid by Prince Albert to be by his side? Relatives make a point!

Charlene of Monaco and Prince Albert II are the subject of the wildest rumours. And one of them wanted the Monegasque prince to pay a huge sum for Charlene Wittstock to remain his wife. This is absolutely not the case and it was relatives of the couple who did not fail to react, exclusively, for Page Six. It is Here is who announced a few days ago that Stephanie and Caroline’s brother was paying 12 million euros per year to his wife so that she stays by his side. The return of the former Olympic swimmer to the Rock and her public appearances in recent weeks have once again fanned the craziest rumors.

A source close to Charlene of Monaco put an end to one of them by saying to Page Six : “Of course, she has a generous prenup, but Albert doesn’t have to pay her to stay.” Not failing to recall the happiness of the Monegasque princess to have finally found her family, after such long months kept away from them. “After being away for so long during her illness, Charlene is so happy to be back with Albert and the kids. They spend every weekend in their country house. Albert fully supports Charlene and also helps her with her charities“, we learn. Happiness found.

Happy news after (too) many disappointments

And while she was in Switzerland to rest there, the South African returned to the Rock and appeared three times with Albert II of Monaco and their children, the twins Jacques and Gabriella, for official events. Testifying to his desire to overcome his health problems to return as before to the front of the Monegasque scene. And while she is used to disappointments in recent weeks, the princess had the joy of receiving happy news. Her brother Gareth Wittstock, to whom she is so close, has (finally) obtained Monegasque nationality. Which gives him all the more strength at a time when Charlene of Monaco clearly needs it the most.

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