Charlene of Monaco back, without her wedding ring: Stéphane Bern says more

After eight months of convalescence in South Africa, Charlene of Monaco finally returned to the principality, with her husband and their young children. The princess left Durban on Sunday November 7, 2021 to arrive at the Rock on Monday morning. On the photos of her reunion with Prince Albert, Jacques and Gabriella (6 years old), the ex-swimmer certainly appears delighted, but lightened of its alliance… A detail that revives even more the rumors of marital problems that have stuck to the princely couple for months.

Guest of the show C to you Tuesday evening, alongside his friend the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Stéphane Bern commented on this missing alliance, he who followed the whole affair closely for the magazine Paris Match. Should we expect a divorce in Monaco, when Albert and Charlene have just passed the milestone of 10 years of marriage? “No no. I think that’s it, things are back to normal. I reassure you I hope“, launched the expert of crowned heads, a smile on his face.”Let ‘s leave them … Here they are, they met yesterday, I think it’s going to be alright. “

No comment, however, on the fact that the princess – once again – forgot to mention her husband when speaking in Durban, just before getting on the plane … It’s hard to believe that everything will be exactly as before this interminable convalescence in South Africa … In addition to the strong rumors of divorce, but also of improvised detoxification and suppressed violent crises, Charlene of Monaco certainly returns changed after this prolonged stay in her country of origin.

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