Charlene of Monaco absent from the National Day: Albert calls his family to the rescue

Returning from South Africa on November 8, Princess Charlene began a new period of convalescence in an undisclosed location. Friday November 19, Monegasque National Day, it is therefore without his wife that Prince Albert will take part in the festivities. However, the 63-year-old sovereign should be well surrounded!

To believe the information reported this Wednesday by Monaco Morning, other members of the Grimaldi clan should accompany Prince Albert throughout this day of celebration: his sisters, Princesses Caroline and Stéphanie, should appear, most certainly accompanied by some of their children. Monegasques will they have the pleasure of meeting Charlotte Casiraghi and her children (Raphaël Elmaleh and Balthazar Rassam) on the balcony of the princely palace for the traditional greeting to the population? Accustomed to the event, his brothers Pierre and Andrea Casiraghi could make their return, accompanied by their respective wives and young children.

The three children of Princess Stéphanie, Louis Ducruet and his wife Marie, Pauline Ducruet and her half-sister Camille Gottlieb, could also join the group. Our colleagues specify that Princess Charlene will be represented by several members of her family: her mother Lynette Wittstock and her brothers, Sean and Gareth.

But if there are two little blond heads that are eagerly awaited each year: they are those of Prince Jacques and his sister Princess Gabriella (soon to be 7 years old). Since their first appearance in 2015, the twins never fail to entertain the public with their antics, sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied by their cousins. Last year, the young heir had nevertheless shown more seriousness: in his mini rifle uniform, he had executed a military salute to perfection, under the moved gaze – of his dad.

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