Charlene de Monaco finally reappears, where we least expect it!

This speech was unexpected to say the least! Thursday February 24, 2022, Charlene of Monaco exceptionally came out of her reserve, she who has remained silent since the start of her recovery in Switzerland, which began last November. Prince Albert’s wife reappears where we certainly did not expect her: in a manga!

manga fans Blitz will be surprised to find the princess in volume VI, to be published on February 26. A project totally approved by the former South African swimmer, who even took the trouble to comment on this collaboration with the Parisianvia its editor: “I look forward to the release of the sixth volume of Blitz beautifully sublimated by Garry Kasparov [champion d’échec] and drawn by Daitaro Nishihara. The idea of ​​participating in the adventure Blitz immediately seduced me and I thank Cédric Biscay [le scénariste et créateur] for inviting me to discover the world of manga“, explained the princess, from her place of retirement kept secret.

Nearby Parisian always, Cédric Biscay, a Monegasque resident, explained that he has known the princess for a few years already: “We are both rugby lovers and we had a few discussions around the oval ball (…). Of course, I asked his agreement to make it appear in Blitz and I went through the protocol route. It was about a year ago. She immediately accepted. Later she got to see the boards and she didn’t ask for any changes.”

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